
Our mission is to enhance the educational opportunities in the Upper Freehold Regional School District through the identification and development of community partnerships and private resources. These collaborations will inspire academic excellence and a positive learning environment that would be otherwise unavailable due to budget constraints.


Entries by Administrator (33)


Sno-ball Softball 2011

Dear Friends and Neighbors –

Happy New Year!

As many of you know, we are gearing up for our 4th Annual Sno-Ball Softball Fundraising Tournament, which will be held on Saturday, February 12, 2011, which helps us in our ongoing support the children of the Upper Freehold Regional School District.

Due to your time, support and generosity, since 2007 the Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation has been able to award approximately $100,000 in grant requests submitted by the faculty and staff of the UFRSD, through targeted donations, and in connection with our recently launched “Bridging the Gap” initiative.

For your information, review and consideration, click the following links for copies of our:

Once you have had a chance to review the attached materials, please let me know if you have any comments or questions, and are interested in a sponsorship.

Please note that Syd Guerrero, VP of the UFREF, is serving as this year’s Sno-Ball Softball Event Chair, and can also be reached at sguerrero14@optonline.net. Andy Clark and Brian Williams have also graciously volunteered their time to help with the planning of this event.

We hope that you will be able to join us that day as it is always a good time!

Best regards,

Jim Derasmo
Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation


UFREF Launches the Bridging The Gap Initiative

The Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation launches the Bridging the Gap initiative in an effort to identify sponsors and volunteers to support programs funded by the UFREF

To view the Bridging The Gap presentation given during the Middle School Back to School Night, click here.

Any interested parties are asked to send an email to BridgingTheGap@ufref.org to discuss volunteer opportunities or donations.


Foundation’s Annual Sno-Ball Softball Tournament Fundraiser Slated for Feb. 20

Who says you can't have a softball tournament in the middle of winter? The Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation has scheduled its 3rd annual Sno-Ball Softball Tournament for Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010. Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the foundation’s education grants program.

“This will be our third year doing the tournament, and I think it's going to be our best yet,” says James Derasmo, UFREF board president. “These teams are hardcore softball fanatics and they can't wait to play no matter what the weather or season.”

Sno-Ball Softball will have both men's and co-ed divisions. It will be a double- elimination, one-pitch tournament with a time limit of 30 minutes per game and a home run limit of five per game. Playing rules will be in accordance with the ASA. Games will last five innings (championship games will be seven innings). At least eight players are required to start the game.

The tournament will be played on the fields behind Alletnown High School. Trophies will be awarded to the teams finishing in 1st and 2nd place. Commemorative long sleeve shirts will be given to all participants.

“Snow on the ground allows for unusual playing conditions and lots of fun,” Derasmo says. “But the best part is the tournament will generate revenue for grants that will ultimately benefit students in the Upper Freehold Regional School District.”

Team registration is $225 and is not refundable. To obtain an entry form, visit the URREF Website or send an email to wcp20@yahoo.com. The entry deadline is Jan. 29, 2010. Checks must be made out to UFREF and sent to Sno-Ball Softball, c/o UFREF, P.O. Box, 109, Allentown, NJ 08501.

Deramso says the tournament needs volunteer umpires. Anyone interested in umpiring should send an email to wcp20@yahoo.com.

In 2009, the foundation awarded 12 grants totaling $12,500 to the Upper Freehold Regional School District. UFREF is a non-profit 501(c) (3) of the private, business, and civic sectors, dedicated to promoting quality education by establishing, supporting and enhancing UFRSD programs.


The Spring 2008 Grants Have Been Awarded

Elementary School Grants

One Elementary School grant was awarded for $1,116:

  • Brain Pop - Computer software license for educational "game type" software for grades K-8. The Upper Freehold Regional School District will put it into their budget for the 2008-09 school year.


Middle School Grants

One Middle School grants was awarded for $408:

  • Way Cool Game of Science - Computer software for middle school science program which provides a science review of material that follows NJ Core Content Standards.


High School Grants

Three High School grants were awarded for $3,500:

  • Fatal Vision - Two sets of goggles for middle school physical education program that demonstrate how alcohol impairs normal functioning.
  • Peddling Our Way to Fitness - Rental of 30 mountain bicycles for 3 week High School Physical Education program on lifetime physical fitness
  • Lifesavers Weekend Retreat 2008 - Weekend retreat for High School students which promotes a drug/alcohol/tobacco free lifestyle.

The Fall 2007 Grants Have Been Awarded

Elementary School Grants

Four Elementary School grants were awarded for $2,572:

  • Boardmaker - Software to allow teachers of special needs students to access more than 4,000 visual symbols/pictures for communication purposes (Allison Tate/Kristine Thompson)
  • Book Club - After school reading program for 5th graders (Victoria Greenfield/Christina Guzman)
  • Confratute - Workshops for teachers of gifted children to help them meet the needs of high-level learners. (Karen Schumacher)
  • SOLO-CO-Writer - Computer license and software tool that helps students in grades 3-12 w/learning difficulties to build skills in reading, language arts and completing other course work (Rachel Rondinelli)

Middle School Grants

Two Middle School grants were awarded for $1,375:

  • Breezeway Gardens and Habitat Project - Landscaping(science) (Lauren Olsen)
  • NJ 35 - Awareness campaign (signs, t-shirts, etc.) to help students develop an awareness of the dangers of smoking (Antoinette Carrea)

High School Grants

Three High School grants were awarded for $4,875:

  • Adopt-A-Platoon - Shipping costs to send care packages to Allentown high school graduates and enlisted men who are serving in Afghanistan and Iraq (Brian Myslinski)
  • Enthusiastic Reader Program - Promote literacy by recognizing high school students who read independently beyond the classroom (Yvonne Van Hise)
  • Interactive use of the TI-Navigator System Plus Graphing Calculators - Hardware and software that will allow high school math students to use graphic calculator technology which will lead to understanding of complex data so they can interpret, interpolate and extrapolate conclusions from data patterns (Paul Soohoo)