
Our mission is to enhance the educational opportunities in the Upper Freehold Regional School District through the identification and development of community partnerships and private resources. These collaborations will inspire academic excellence and a positive learning environment that would be otherwise unavailable due to budget constraints.


Entries in Events (5)


UFREF Twilight Challenge Online Entry

The 4th Annual Community Twilight Challenge 5K run/walk and One-Mile Children’s Fun Run on Saturday June 9, 2012 is right around the corner.

You can register online here:

For more detail, check out the event page on our website.


4th Annual 5K and Fun Run

Date: June 9, 2012
Location: Upper Freehold, NJ

UFREF is pleased to host its 4th Annual Community Twilight Challenge 5K run/walk and One-Mile Children’s Fun Run. Last year’s event had approximately 120 participants and spectators.

To register or become a sponsor, please visit the event page on our website or click here.

If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to ufref@yahoo.com.


5th Annual Sno-Ball Tournament

Date: Saturday, February 11th, 2012
Location: Allentown High School Fields in Allentown, NJ

Trophies, prizes and giveaways
Men, Women and Co-ed Divisions
Registration deadline: Jan. 27, 2012
$240 entry fee per team

This is a Men's and Co-ed Slowpitch tournament.
Class: 6-12'
Association: ASA

Click here for event details

Sponsorship opportunities available by contacting Sydney Guerrero or Jim Derasmo.

Proceeds benefit the Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation’s grants program.


Foundation’s Annual Sno-Ball Softball Tournament Fundraiser Slated for Feb. 20

Who says you can't have a softball tournament in the middle of winter? The Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation has scheduled its 3rd annual Sno-Ball Softball Tournament for Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010. Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the foundation’s education grants program.

“This will be our third year doing the tournament, and I think it's going to be our best yet,” says James Derasmo, UFREF board president. “These teams are hardcore softball fanatics and they can't wait to play no matter what the weather or season.”

Sno-Ball Softball will have both men's and co-ed divisions. It will be a double- elimination, one-pitch tournament with a time limit of 30 minutes per game and a home run limit of five per game. Playing rules will be in accordance with the ASA. Games will last five innings (championship games will be seven innings). At least eight players are required to start the game.

The tournament will be played on the fields behind Alletnown High School. Trophies will be awarded to the teams finishing in 1st and 2nd place. Commemorative long sleeve shirts will be given to all participants.

“Snow on the ground allows for unusual playing conditions and lots of fun,” Derasmo says. “But the best part is the tournament will generate revenue for grants that will ultimately benefit students in the Upper Freehold Regional School District.”

Team registration is $225 and is not refundable. To obtain an entry form, visit the URREF Website or send an email to wcp20@yahoo.com. The entry deadline is Jan. 29, 2010. Checks must be made out to UFREF and sent to Sno-Ball Softball, c/o UFREF, P.O. Box, 109, Allentown, NJ 08501.

Deramso says the tournament needs volunteer umpires. Anyone interested in umpiring should send an email to wcp20@yahoo.com.

In 2009, the foundation awarded 12 grants totaling $12,500 to the Upper Freehold Regional School District. UFREF is a non-profit 501(c) (3) of the private, business, and civic sectors, dedicated to promoting quality education by establishing, supporting and enhancing UFRSD programs.


"Fore the Kids" Golf Outing

On Monday, October 16, 2006, the Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation (UFREF) held its first major fundraising event, by participating in a "joint venture" partnership with the Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence (MTFEE) : the "Fore the Kids" fifth annual Golf Outing & Dinner, which was held at Forsgate Country Club. It was a picture perfect day and was extremely well attended.

The idea for this joint venture began a few months back when the trustees of the UFREF met with Laura Wittman, president of the MTFEE and a few of her fellow trustees, and they generously offered to share this signature fundraising event with us. From our early days as a fledgling education foundation, Laura has been one of our biggest supporters and has served as the perfect role model. The experience afforded to us by Laura and her team was priceless and we will always remember their kindness and generosity.

At the time of this writing, the net proceeds from this Event have not been finalized, but half of the proceeds are to be credited to the UFREF for the benefit of Allentown High School students. While this was the first fundraising event for the UFREF, other future events will be designed to benefit the students comprising the Upper Freehold Regional School District.

Many, many thanks go out to all attendees, sponsors, volunteers, and community supporters. Without you, your selfless dedication, tireless support and generosity, none of this would have been possible.

While this was truly a team and community-wide effort, extra special thanks must go out to Barbara Nissinger, who served as the Event Chairperson representing the UFREF, as well as her incredible A-Team. Barb´s unbounded energy, dedication, attention to detail, tremendous organization and interpersonal skills contributed greatly to the Event´s success. Through hard work, sheer determination and an extensive support network, Barb was the Force that held it all together and kept us focused on moving forward.

There are so many people who gave of themselves, their time, their energy and their talents that I do not want to risk missing even one name - but you know who you are. We are grateful for your contributions and are very much appreciative. Because of your efforts, our community and our children are better off today than they were yesterday.

With deepest thanks from the UFREF,

Jim Derasmo Acting President, Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation

P.S. - if you would like to volunteer, or learn more about the UFREF, please visit our website.