
Our mission is to enhance the educational opportunities in the Upper Freehold Regional School District through the identification and development of community partnerships and private resources. These collaborations will inspire academic excellence and a positive learning environment that would be otherwise unavailable due to budget constraints.


Entries in Grants (7)


UFREF 2012-2013 Grant Winners

On behalf of the Grants Allocation Committee (GAC) and Trustees of the Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation, I am pleased to let you know that the Trustees of the Ed Foundation approved last week six grants, aggregating $6,723, as follows:

  • ES Library iPads (Kimee Moore)
  • KidSmart (Mary Hallahan)
  • The Frame Job (Brad Nicklas)
  • Rachel’s Challenge (Connie Embley)
  • Anti-Violence Week 2012 Poster Contest (Jeff Roberts, et. al.)
  • SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) (Sarie Scully)

The 2012-2013 Grant Cycle is Now Closed

The grant cycle is now closed. UFREF is pleased to report that ten grant applications were received, for a total of $18,500.

Members of the grants allocation committee are in the process of evaluating all submissions and are targeting the week of April 30th to announce the grant winners.


Spring 2011 Grants Cycle Open

The Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of our Spring 2011 Grants Cycle, which marks the entrance into our fifth full year of operation.

Starting this year, grant applications will be accepted ONLY in electronic format. Grant applicants are asked to submit their requests to ufref@yahoo.com, with all appropriate attachments and signatures, no later than Friday, April 8, 2011.

All applicants should utilize the Mini-Grant Application to submit Grant applications. See the Grants Page for more detail.


Fall 2010 Grants Awarded

The Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation elected to award all twelve grant requests submitted, in full or in part, totaling $8,704 to the school district’s elementary, middle and high schools. The total amount requested for all grants this cycle was $17,919.61.

We are in a once in a lifetime financial crisis which has pressured the School District to make some significant reductions and cuts in programs and activities that have been provided for in the past.

In continuing our highly successful “Bridging the Gap” initiative launched in September, the Ed Foundation has stepped up to the challenge to provide funding in full or in part to many of these innovative programs and projects.

UFREF provides students with educational opportunities they might not otherwise have.

Click here to read more and view the grant recipients.


The Spring 2008 Grants Have Been Awarded

Elementary School Grants

One Elementary School grant was awarded for $1,116:

  • Brain Pop - Computer software license for educational "game type" software for grades K-8. The Upper Freehold Regional School District will put it into their budget for the 2008-09 school year.


Middle School Grants

One Middle School grants was awarded for $408:

  • Way Cool Game of Science - Computer software for middle school science program which provides a science review of material that follows NJ Core Content Standards.


High School Grants

Three High School grants were awarded for $3,500:

  • Fatal Vision - Two sets of goggles for middle school physical education program that demonstrate how alcohol impairs normal functioning.
  • Peddling Our Way to Fitness - Rental of 30 mountain bicycles for 3 week High School Physical Education program on lifetime physical fitness
  • Lifesavers Weekend Retreat 2008 - Weekend retreat for High School students which promotes a drug/alcohol/tobacco free lifestyle.