
Our mission is to enhance the educational opportunities in the Upper Freehold Regional School District through the identification and development of community partnerships and private resources. These collaborations will inspire academic excellence and a positive learning environment that would be otherwise unavailable due to budget constraints.


Entries by Administrator (33)


2017 Referendum


The Board of Education of the Upper Freehold Regional School District, in Monmouth County, New Jersey, is seeking voter approval to undertake a school facilities project consisting of various roof replacements, solar electricity generation installations and a new generator installation at Newell Elementary School, and various roof replacements, solar electricity generation installations and auditorium renovations at Allentown High School.


The total cost of the project is not exceeding $9,959,815.



The State of New Jersey has formally awarded the School District 40% annual debt service aid on the project debt.  [Notwithstanding such formal 40% award, the State has for several years consistently funded such debt service aid at 85% of the formal award.  Thus, the Board is assuming it will actually receive 34% debt service aid from the State (40% times .85).]

The Board will receive such annual State debt service aid in the amount of 40% [34%] of the annual debt service (principal and interest) on the $9,959,815 school bonds that the Board will issue in late 2017 to fund the project cost.  Such State aid will reduce the taxpayers’ share of the annual project debt service to 60% [66%].

Such State debt service aid will only be available if the voters approve the project.


 The Board of Education of the Upper Freehold Regional School District in the County of Monmouth, New Jersey is authorized to undertake a school facilities project consisting of various roof replacements, solar electricity generation installations and a new generator installation at Newell Elementary School, and various roof replacements, solar electricity generation installations and auditorium renovations at Allentown High School.  The Board is authorized to expend on such project and issue bonds to fund such expenditure in an amount not to exceed $9,959,815.  The State has agreed to provide annual State debt service aid in the amount of 40% of the project “final eligible costs” of $9,959,815.

Click here to download the Referendum Presentation: 

2017 Referendum Presentation



SRECs traded in EY2017 Cumulative
Month Year Active KW (DC) Number of SRECs Traded Weighted Average Price per SREC
July 2017 2,084,635 3,669,241 $226.16
June 2017 2,067,297 2,771,883 $226.81
May 2017 2,027,029 2,215,761 $227.39
April 2017 1,984,230 1,972,443 $228.32
March 2017 1,934,984 1,808,023 $229.11
Feb 2017 1,887,999 1,629,715 $228.94
Jan 2017 1,832,829 1,385,920 $228.33
Dec 2016 1,814,580 1,109,699 $226.45
Nov 2016 1,796,591 874,313 $227.37
Oct 2016 1,755,752 724,794 $228.65
Sep 2016 1,716,647 390,920 $229.01
Aug 2016 1,706,073 111,473 $222.21
Jul 2016 1,657,760    

 Source: njcleanenergy.com

Fact Sheet A Fact Sheet B


AHS Theater Project Funded

$6,530 has been pledged via Kickstarter so the AHS Theater project will be funded!

AHS Theater - Help us light up our stage!

Thanks to everyone that passed the word or contributed!


Contest Winners Announced

Thank you to all the students who participated in the UFR Education Foundation contests, as well as their loyal supporters who visited our booth at Harvest Fest to vote for our new t-shirt design, logo and public service announcement video. Congratulations to our winners! 

AHS winner receiving $250 for her video: 
Jennifer Marinello 
Click here to see the video

SBMS winner receiving $100 for her logo: 
Caitlin Burke



Newell winner receiving $75 for her artwork: 
Miranda Ricciardi


Back to School Night

The Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation recently presented at Back to School Night events. Click here to see the slides and find out how you can get involved.


Join “Red Bird 180”

Just $1 a day, for the entire school year, will enable UFRED to continue to provide extraordinary educational experiences for UFRSD school students, at all of our schools.