The Spring 2007 Grants Have Been Awarded

Elementary School Grants
Three Elementary/Middle School grants were awarded for $3,030.00:
- Hands On Measurement (3rd Grade) - This program will provide hands-on science and math experiences for students, both in the classroom and at home, while increasing the amount of contact time each student receives with the materials. It will expand the range of tools that are available for instruction and consequently will allow teachers to incorporate new elements into measurement lessons and projects.
- Bells!Bells!Bells (grades 4-6 music classes with optional 7-8 grade participation in concerts) - Funds from this grant will be used to purchase a set of Tone Chimes (hand bells) to add to the existing collection. The tone chimes offer a valuable assistance for meeting the state’s music curriculum standards in reading music (melody, rhythm, harmony, etc.) Purchasing this extra set would allow all students in the class to participate at one time rather than waiting their turn.
- Classroom Clickers (Elementary/Middle School) - One set of Classroom Response System (Classroom Clickers) will be made available to all teachers, along with training, so that all students will be offered the benefit of CRS. The “clickers” are interactive remote-control devices that allow each student to participate in class, answering every question. The students find lessons more engaging, and they are more participatory, even those who are shy or afraid of giving the wrong answer. Students and teachers get immediate feedback about their answers. Teachers are able to instantly assess the understanding of their students and determine which students need extra assistance in exactly which areas.
High School Grants
Five High School grants were awarded for $5,470.00:
- TV Production teleprompter - Funds will be used to purchase a teleprompter and tripod system for the student run television studio in the high school for the purpose of professional looking productions. The teleprompter will be utilized daily in the production of A-TOWN Live morning announcements to the students and staff, and by students in the Television Production classes. It will also be used in the production of informational and instructional videos for the district and for public promotions such as the Middle States video and Back to School Night.
- EBASE - Funds will provide students in the EBASE program an opportunity to plan and execute trips to businesses in the area in order to learn more about different businesses, their culture, and their business operations. The Entrepreneurial Business Academy for Service and Experiences (EBASE) program is designed to prepare students to be successful business leaders.
- Promoting Parental Involvement at the Secondary Level - The AHS Parent Academy will host a parent education night at the high school focusing on increasing parental involvement. The target audience includes all parents of students K-12 in the Upper Freehold Regional School District and members of the Allentown and Millstone communities. Grant funds will be used to hire a motivational speaker.
- Merchants of Cool - Grant funding will provide two digital camcorders so that students can create advertisements and other media assignments that are woven into the curriculum.
- REBEL/Lifesavers Club Weekend Retreat - This grant will be combined with funding from the Allentown/Upper Freehold Municipal Drug Alliance to allow ten additional students to attend the REBEL/Lifesavers Club Weekend Retreat in October 2007. This retreat focuses on assisting members to become positive ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, or Other Drugs) role models at AHS. They will learn valuable ATOD information and learn how to help others remain ATOD free.

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