
Our mission is to enhance the educational opportunities in the Upper Freehold Regional School District through the identification and development of community partnerships and private resources. These collaborations will inspire academic excellence and a positive learning environment that would be otherwise unavailable due to budget constraints.


70s Game Show Event

Dear Friends – 

For the first time, the Upper Freehold Regional PTA and the Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation have joined forces for a great cause. The proceeds from the event will fund a mobile iPad lab. This lab will allow our youngest students the opportunity to work with the latest Apple technology. The lab will have enough units for each child to use their own tablet during lessons, while the mobility of the lab allows it to move from class to class to reach the student population. These are the type of technological advances that our students have not been privy to due to current budget constraints. 

The event will be a fun and special evening out for all involved. We will be stepping back in time to the 70s (not that any of us are that old) we encourage you to dress the part if you wish...you know, add to the atmosphere! The games we have chosen are The Newlywed Game, The Match Game and Family Feud. Families, individuals and Sports Organizations are all enlisted to participate and it should be a hysterical evening!


Included in your ticket price will be Appetizers, Pasta Course, Dinner Entree, Dessert and OPEN BAR! Please gather your friends and join us to support our community and our CHILDREN!


Event Details:

Wednesday, April 17 at 8:00pm

Mercer Oaks Golf Club


Checks made payable to UFRPTA

Credit Card sales contact Vanessa DePompo vanwin615@aol.com 

To volunteer to participate in the games or with questions please feel free to contact me (jmderasmo@yahoo.com), Vanessa DePompo vanwin615@aol.com or Anita Kinney thekinneygroup@msn.com


Foundation in Need of Volunteers

The Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation (UFREF) is looking for a few good people — approximately 10, according to president James Derasmo.

Click here to read all about it in the Messenger Press.

Foundation Meeting on Monday 10/15

There will be a Foundation meeting next Monday (10/15) at 7:30 pm at the BOE offices. All are welcome.

UFREF Twilight Challenge Online Entry

The 4th Annual Community Twilight Challenge 5K run/walk and One-Mile Children’s Fun Run on Saturday June 9, 2012 is right around the corner.

You can register online here:

For more detail, check out the event page on our website.


4th Annual 5K and Fun Run

Date: June 9, 2012
Location: Upper Freehold, NJ

UFREF is pleased to host its 4th Annual Community Twilight Challenge 5K run/walk and One-Mile Children’s Fun Run. Last year’s event had approximately 120 participants and spectators.

To register or become a sponsor, please visit the event page on our website or click here.

If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to ufref@yahoo.com.