
Our mission is to enhance the educational opportunities in the Upper Freehold Regional School District through the identification and development of community partnerships and private resources. These collaborations will inspire academic excellence and a positive learning environment that would be otherwise unavailable due to budget constraints.


UFREF 2012-2013 Grant Winners

On behalf of the Grants Allocation Committee (GAC) and Trustees of the Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation, I am pleased to let you know that the Trustees of the Ed Foundation approved last week six grants, aggregating $6,723, as follows:

  • ES Library iPads (Kimee Moore)
  • KidSmart (Mary Hallahan)
  • The Frame Job (Brad Nicklas)
  • Rachel’s Challenge (Connie Embley)
  • Anti-Violence Week 2012 Poster Contest (Jeff Roberts, et. al.)
  • SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) (Sarie Scully)

The 2012-2013 Grant Cycle is Now Closed

The grant cycle is now closed. UFREF is pleased to report that ten grant applications were received, for a total of $18,500.

Members of the grants allocation committee are in the process of evaluating all submissions and are targeting the week of April 30th to announce the grant winners.


5th Annual Sno-Ball Tournament

Date: Saturday, February 11th, 2012
Location: Allentown High School Fields in Allentown, NJ

Trophies, prizes and giveaways
Men, Women and Co-ed Divisions
Registration deadline: Jan. 27, 2012
$240 entry fee per team

This is a Men's and Co-ed Slowpitch tournament.
Class: 6-12'
Association: ASA

Click here for event details

Sponsorship opportunities available by contacting Sydney Guerrero or Jim Derasmo.

Proceeds benefit the Upper Freehold Regional Education Foundation’s grants program.


Support Needed

In connection with the 2011-2012 Back to School Nights, we are still in need of donors for the following:

  • Stokes 7th Grade Trip ($1,500)
  • Washington, DC 8th Grade trip ($1,700)
  • Stone Bridge MS Studio Fund ($2,585)
    $700 has been received to date

Your generosity and support will be much appreciated by the students.


Thank You

Thanks to all the parents and supporters who attended the recent Back to School Nights.

We want to remind folks who would like to learn more about the Foundation or who would like to lend support in some way to check out our website. More information on upcoming events, grants, etc. coming soon.

We recently launched our annual Trustee Drive and would love to hear from those who would like to get involved and give back to the community.

Click here to contact us.